
Pajong 2019 - 2020

JLOF has initiated a project through the support of ForumCiv (SIDA).

The overall objective of the project is to see that all boys and girls in Pajong Village have access to quality education by the year 2030. JLOF Sweden and JLOF Uganda will together carry out the project in Kitgum District in Northern Uganda in order to increase equality between boys and girls, women and men and strengthening the local cooperation organisations.

The project period is two years and the planned activities include sensitization about the importance of education for both girls and boys, linked to Article 26 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights such as:

  • Promoting quality and equality in teaching and children learning experiences
  • Advocacy for increased gender balance in staff composition
  • Exchange program with other schools
  • Establishment of a resource center in the school to provide different support to the pupils
  • Empower the community through use of gatherings, formation of clubs and access to information in the local language
  • Include persons with special needs
  • Establishment of seed-bank facility through agroforestry
  • Production of education package with nutrition facts for growing children
  • Strengthen the capacity of local partners

The primary target groups are 5.000 children and youth, secondary target groups are other members of the community.


ForumCiv granted JLOF the amount of 50 000 SEK in 2015 to do a pre-study, this led to the continuation of the 2 year project for the amount of 500 000 SEK to be delivered in 2016 and 2017. The project was successful and delivered the expected results in that the school has now had its first grader pass its exams and it is attributed to the support given by JLOF to the students with materials to prepare for exams as well as meals during the examination days.

The community has built on discussions from the project, taken own initiatives to solve some of the issues e.g. parents provide ingredients for lunch for class 7 and the pupils cook their own lunch.

As a result of the collaboration with the Loum Primary School, ForumCiv has now granted JLOF (Feb 2019) additional 500 000 SEK to continue the activities to enable all children in the community to get an education by 2030.

JLOF works to improve opportunities for disadvantaged, vulnerable communities.


Stockholm, Sweden


Box 398, Kitgum, Uganda