English translation of the text. JLOF har pratat med några som är och har varit aktiva inom stiftelsen för att få veta mer om dem och deras arbete. Utan våra fantastiska medarbetare skulle JLOF inte kunna fortsätta vårt arbete. Genom söndagsintervjuerna vill vi uppmärksamma och tacka dem för sitt hårda jobb och den kunskap och engagemang de gett […]
See English translation of the text below. Nu har ni 7 dagar på er att skicka in era uppsatser till Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Essay Contest 2021. Deadline är den 28 februari. Varmt välkomna att delta! Årets tema: Hur COVID-19 har påverkat min dröm. Vinnarna kommer koras i tre ålderskategorier: Kategori 1 – Deltagare mellan […]
Idag är det Janani Luwum Memorial Day – dagen då vi minns ärkebiskopen Janani Luwum och hans bidrag till Uganda. I Uganda brukar folk gå på pilgrimsvandring för att hedra hans minne, men på grund av pandemin kommer vi i år att hylla honom i våra tankar och böner. Men det är inte bara i […]
Idag är det Alla Hjärtans Dag – en dag då vi visar våra nära, kära och de i vår omgivning extra mycket omtanke och omsorg. JLOF har sedan starten haft utbildning som en hjärtefråga och arbetar aktivt för att ge alla barn tillgång till en bra utbildning. Enligt FN spelar utbildning en stor roll för […]
JLOF Scholarships Following a visit to Archbishop Janani Luwum Memorial College in Mucwini in 2011, JLOF launched an academic scholarship to support 23 best performing students each year. The aim was to improve the overall performance of the school compared to the national performance. Performance has improved and enrollment to the school has increased […]
Leave no one behind – Special needs and targeted support When you think of a typical school, do you envisage any children with disabilities? Are the school facilities accessible to all students and the learning materials adapted to everyone’s needs? Is the teacher trained on how to use them to teach? Students with different disabilities […]
Pajong 2019 – 2020 JLOF has initiated a project through the support of ForumCiv (SIDA). The overall objective of the project is to see that all boys and girls in Pajong Village have access to quality education by the year 2030. JLOF Sweden and JLOF Uganda will together carry out the project in Kitgum District […]
Entrepreneurship is about applying practical, innovative and sustainable methods to benefit society as a whole, with emphasis on those who are vulnerable, marginalized and poor. Social entrepreneurship focuses on changing the systems and methods that are the root causes of poverty, marginalization, environmental degradation and the consequent loss of human dignity. Key concepts are:InnovationMarket orientationSystem […]
Ecology is about “using, preserving and strengthening society’s resources so that ecological processes, on which life is dependent, are maintained, and the overall quality of life, now and in the future, can be increased”. Ecology and Environment are the core of sustainable development. The challenges are related to developing ways to use the environmental resources […]
Education is about more than learning to read, write and count. Our education program addresses important factors that help to help communities from poverty and give children an opportunity for education. This includes all the necessary infrastructure and materials required for effective learning. Even cultural issues such as preventing child marriages and keeping girls in […]