Rubangakene Joseph: What COVID-19 is doing to my dream

What COVID-19 is doing to my dream Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2021 Author: Rubangakene Joseph4th Runner Up, Category 2 Life during this time is substantially different from anything I have ever experienced. Life changed suddenly for the whole world when covid-19 arrived and with it came the need for me to quarantine […]

Nakiyingi Christine: What COVID-19 is doing to my dream

What COVID-19 is doing to my dream Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2021 Author: Nakiyingi ChristineWinner, Category 2 COVID-19, scientifically known as Corona virus disease 2019, is defined as an illness caused by a novel corona virus, now called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2. It started in a large animal and […]

Participate in Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Essay Contest 2023!

The Essay Contest of 2023 has begun!  Essays by previous contestants 2023 – Topics: Teenage Pregnancy and Climate Changes Category 1 My opinion on the increasing teenage pregnancyAuthor: Rubanga Kene Isaac, Winner Teenage pregnancy – Causes, Effects and Preventive measuresAuthor: Lamunu Anna Michelle, 1st Runner up Climate Change in Northern UgandaAuthor: Ageno-Rwot Esther, 3rd Runner […]

Skänk en gåva som gör skillnad

Gör en stor skillnad för någon annan i jul Ert företags julgåva till JLOF hjälper många barn i Uganda att få tillgång till utbildning.  Vi arbetar med att förbättra möjligheterna för särskilt barn från marginaliserade samhällen på landsbygden i norra Uganda. JLOF arbetar även aktivt för att öka engagemang kring funktionsnedsattas extremt sårbara situation i […]

JLOF works to improve opportunities for disadvantaged, vulnerable communities.



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Box 398, Kitgum, Uganda