How is climate change affecting people’s lives in the Northern region? Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2023 Omara Emmanuel Francis3rd runner up, Category 2 Climate refers to the average weather condition of a place recorded for a long period of time, normally 40-45 years. Climate change simply refers to the abrupt change […]
Teenage Pregnancy Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2023 Adokcen Lina Mable2nd runner up, Category 1 Teenage pregnancy is the pregnancy in young women and girls below eighteen years of age. A teenager is between thirteen and nineteen years old. Teenage pregnancy has affected the lives of teenagers in our country, Uganda. “Teenage pregnancy has […]
Climate Change in Northern Uganda Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2023 Ageno-Rwot Esther Apio3rd runner up, Category 1 Climate is the average weather condition of a place recorded for a long time. In Northern Uganda, we experience tropical climate. It is because it lies in the tropics and has two seasons that are hot […]
Highlighting Gender-Equality Champions among men and boys in Uganda to accelerate SDG 5 This initiative aimed at enhancing the development of a collaborative project focused on gender equality in Uganda. The one year project involved a range of activities, including regular meetings, field visits, workshops, interviews, and mapping exercises. These activities were conducted to deepen […]
Teenage Pregnancy Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2023 Maturu Stephanie Kimberly 5th runner up, Category 1 Teenage pregnancy is the type of pregnancy that occurs in people aged 13-19 years. Teenage pregnancy has affected many lives of teenagers in our country, Uganda. In the first place, I would like to talk about the […]
Uganda’s Teen Pregnancy: Causes and Solutions Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2023 Oryemwoko Jacob 1st runner up, category 3 Teenage pregnancy is sometimes referred to as adolescent pregnancy, which is a global problem but most often occurs in poorer and marginalized communities. Therefore, it refers to a pregnancy in female adolescents or young […]
Teenage pregnancy – Causes, Effects and Preventive measures. Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2023 Lamunu Anna Michelle1st Runner up, Category 1 Teenage pregnancy is the type of pregnancy that occurs in young women of the age of 13-19 years. This pregnancy has affected lives of teenagers in our country, Uganda. Firstly, I would […]
How climate change is affecting the lives of people in Northern Uganda Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2023 Author: Lubangakene Innocent Omoo1st Runner up, Category 2 Climate change refers to the shift in global temperatures and precipitation overtime. It is a long-term alteration in the weather patterns, especially temperature and storm activity. […]
Factors behind teenage pregnancy and recommendations for capacity building Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2023 Author: Ayesigamukama GodfreyWinner, Category 3 Teenage pregnancy refers to female adolescents becoming pregnant between the ages of 13-19. These young females have not yet reached adulthood. According to research, the teenage pregnancy rate of 25% in Uganda is […]
Teenage pregnancies and its prevalence Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2023 Author: Ocaya Jonathan GeraldWinner, Category 2 Teenage pregnancy refers to female adolescents becoming pregnant between the ages of 13-19. Although precisely not a teenager, a young girl under 12 or under who is pregnant also falls into this definition of teenage pregnancy. […]