
Entrepreneurship is about applying practical, innovative and sustainable methods to benefit society as a whole, with emphasis on those who are vulnerable, marginalized and poor.

Social entrepreneurship focuses on changing the systems and methods that are the root causes of poverty, marginalization, environmental degradation and the consequent loss of human dignity.

Key concepts are:
Market orientation
System changes

Our work aims to create a sustainable change by giving socio-economic empowerment to local communities by developing skills for income-generating and educational opportunities.

Our programs and projects strive to help local communities reach their potential through education and entrepreneurship by supporting programs that help them excel in selected areas. In addition, we work to give entrepreneurs career education, mentorship, capital and opportunities.

Operations include:

  • Explore financing options for integration and women’s empowerment through various corporate education, support, investments and loan fund development projects.

  • Supporting the communities to establish a nature-based tourism initiative by which they could provide a good visitor experience and, in the meantime, guide the tourism industry from their area, ensure that they manage and protect their natural resources and area through this effort, and take advantage of the potential economic benefits of preserving and displaying tourists the wealth of their area and culture.

  • Establish Learning and Occupational Centers in Selected Rural Areas to provide business development courses, basic reading and writing skills, and raise awareness of local communities that increase their decision-making capacity over their household and life.

  • Educate and increase the opportunities for local communities and stakeholders to plan, budget, carry out monitoring and report on their activities. Offer micro – loan programs to initiate and promote entrepreneurship.

JLOF works to improve opportunities for disadvantaged, vulnerable communities.


Stockholm, Sweden


Box 398, Kitgum, Uganda