We've had a busy week!
During three intensive days, Mia (our Chair of the Board of Directors), Gertrude (our Founder, Treasurer and Member of the Board of Directors), and Irene (our Executive Director), participated in a course with the purpose of learning more about Results-Based Management. Through workshops and exchanges of experience with participants from other organizations, we have learned new skills that help us maximize the impact of the work we do.
We would like to say a big thank you to Semira Osmanovic, Roland Svensson and the team at Sida Partnership Forum in Härnösand!

Why it is of value for us to apply RBM into our work
Results-Based Management is a mindset, according to Sida. By asking ourselves four different questions, we can capture and understand how and in within which areas our work can develop and improve:
What is to be achieved?
Outlining the purpose of what we are doing and what kind of results we hope to achieve by the end of the intervention helps us embody our goals.
What has been achieved?
In order for us to fully understand how our work is progressing, it is important to continuously follow up on our different activities. Asking ourselves this question is especially important while our activities are still on-going – this will help us understand if any adaptions or adjustments are necessary for the progress and, if so, to identify the specific issue.
What are the reasons behind the results or lack or results?
We can not improve our work or adapt it if we do not ask ourselves this question. In cases where the reason behind the lack of results are not apparent, conducting an evaluation will be the next step to identify the reason.
What can be done in order to increase chances of achieving results?
It is not enough to only identify what needs to improve in order to increase the chance of our goals being achieved, we must also act on the results information. By doing this correctly, though adaptions and adjustments, we can improve and maximise our achievements.