We strive towards a more equitable world On February 20, the World Day of Social Justice highlights the importance of fighting poverty, exclusion, and inequality to build a fairer society. Social justice is about ensuring that all people have the opportunity to live dignified lives, regardless of background, gender, or socio-economic status. This day aligns […]
This year’s Essay Contest has concluded! On Saturday September 16, we concluded this year’s Jeremiah Lucas Opira memorial essay contest with a colorful awards ceremony held at Horizon Quarters Nursery and Primary school. The ceremony attracted a total of 65 attendees, including the Vice Chair JLOFU Board of Directors and JLOFU staffs, representatives of host […]
The jury has had its say! On July 8, the jury of the essay contest gathered at JLOFU’s office in Kitgum to read and grade the essays. A total of 77 participants have submitted essays to this year’s contest! The jury consisted of chairman Kitara Daniel and six English teachers from different schools in Kitgum Municipality. […]
The Essay Contest of 2023 has begun! Essays by previous contestants 2023 – Topics: Teenage Pregnancy and Climate Changes Category 1 My opinion on the increasing teenage pregnancyAuthor: Rubanga Kene Isaac, Winner Teenage pregnancy – Causes, Effects and Preventive measuresAuthor: Lamunu Anna Michelle, 1st Runner up Climate Change in Northern UgandaAuthor: Ageno-Rwot Esther, 3rd Runner […]
Gör en stor skillnad för någon annan i jul Ert företags julgåva till JLOF hjälper många barn i Uganda att få tillgång till utbildning. Vi arbetar med att förbättra möjligheterna för särskilt barn från marginaliserade samhällen på landsbygden i norra Uganda. JLOF arbetar även aktivt för att öka engagemang kring funktionsnedsattas extremt sårbara situation i […]
Bli en del av JLOF! Insamlingsstiftelsen JLOF (Jeremiah Lucas Opira Foundation) söker praktikanter till kansliverksamheten med placering i Stockholm under vårterminen 2023. Som praktikant kommer du att få både praktisk erfarenhet av arbetet vid insamlingsstiftelsen samt större förståelse för hur internationellt utvecklingssamarbete fungerar i ett land som Uganda. JLOF söker två praktikanter som kan bidra […]
Learning by sharing experiences On Friday October 7th, JLOFU School Exchange Visit Program took place. Selected teachers, pupils, School Management Committé (SMC) and Parent Teacher Association (PTA) members of Archbishop Loum primary school, accompanied by JLOFU staffs and a Board member, travelled to Barapwo Primary school in Lira City. The purpose of the visit was […]
Idag är det Janani Luwum Memorial Day – dagen då vi minns ärkebiskopen Janani Luwum och hans bidrag till Uganda. I Uganda brukar folk gå på pilgrimsvandring för att hedra hans minne, men på grund av pandemin kommer vi i år att hylla honom i våra tankar och böner. Men det är inte bara i […]
JLOF Scholarships Following a visit to Archbishop Janani Luwum Memorial College in Mucwini in 2011, JLOF launched an academic scholarship to support 23 best performing students each year. The aim was to improve the overall performance of the school compared to the national performance. Performance has improved and enrollment to the school has increased […]
Leave no one behind – Special needs and targeted support When you think of a typical school, do you envisage any children with disabilities? Are the school facilities accessible to all students and the learning materials adapted to everyone’s needs? Is the teacher trained on how to use them to teach? Students with different disabilities […]