
Gender Equality champion nomination

Nominate a Gender Eqality Champion The Gender Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Champions Award is an initiative introduced by the Jeremiah Lucas Opira Foundation (JLOF) Sweden in collaboration with its partners within the Creative Partnership Programme: Jeremiah Lucas Opira Foundation Uganda and Northood Production Initiative Gulu.  This award seeks  to honor and celebrate individual men and boys in […]

Gender Equality

Highlighting Gender-Equality Champions among men and boys in Uganda to accelerate SDG 5 This initiative aimed at enhancing the development of a collaborative project focused on gender equality in Uganda. The one year project involved a range of activities, including regular meetings, field visits, workshops, interviews, and mapping exercises. These activities were conducted to deepen […]

Submit your essay to JLOF Memorial Essay Contest 2021

See English translation of the text below. Nu har ni 7 dagar på er att skicka in era uppsatser till Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Essay Contest 2021. Deadline är den 28 februari. Varmt välkomna att delta! Årets tema: Hur COVID-19 har påverkat min dröm. Vinnarna kommer koras i tre ålderskategorier: Kategori 1 – Deltagare mellan […]

JLOF works to improve opportunities for disadvantaged, vulnerable communities.



Stockholm, Sweden


Box 398, Kitgum, Uganda