What COVID-19 is doing to my dream Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2021 Author: Rubanga Kene Isaac Okot 2nd Runner up, Category 1 Since the beginning of covid-19, I have not had a happy and peaceful life. Covid-19 has brought a lot of negative impact on many sectors in Uganda, as well as […]
The Essay Contest of 2023 has begun! Essays by previous contestants 2023 – Topics: Teenage Pregnancy and Climate Changes Category 1 My opinion on the increasing teenage pregnancyAuthor: Rubanga Kene Isaac, Winner Teenage pregnancy – Causes, Effects and Preventive measuresAuthor: Lamunu Anna Michelle, 1st Runner up Climate Change in Northern UgandaAuthor: Ageno-Rwot Esther, 3rd Runner […]
What COVID-19 is doing to my dream Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2021 Author: Rubanga Kene Isaac Okot2nd Runner up, Category 1 Since the beginning of covid-19, I have not had a happy and peaceful life. Covid-19 has brought a lot of negative impact on many sectors in Uganda, as well as in […]
What COVID-19 is doing to my dream Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2021 Author: Lakica Ruth 2021 Winner, category 1 Most people in a society thought that when they said a dream means that the one that sometimes can happen in the middle of the night when you are in a deep sleep for […]
What COVID-19 is doing to my dream Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2021 Author: Lakica Ruth 2021 Winner, category 1 Most people in a society thought that when they said a dream means that the one that sometimes can happen in the middle of the night when you are in a deep sleep for […]
Gör en stor skillnad för någon annan i jul Ert företags julgåva till JLOF hjälper många barn i Uganda att få tillgång till utbildning. Vi arbetar med att förbättra möjligheterna för särskilt barn från marginaliserade samhällen på landsbygden i norra Uganda. JLOF arbetar även aktivt för att öka engagemang kring funktionsnedsattas extremt sårbara situation i […]
How the lockdown affected the youth Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2020 Author: Ocaya Jonathan Gerald 2020 Winner, category 2 As a young male of such a tender age; and one who has been through this disastrous era of the pandemic, I guess I am more and well conversant with the youth life […]
How COVID-19 affected the youths and how we can address it Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2020 Author: Lamunu Naume Lorna 2020 1st Runner up, Category 2 1. What effects have COVID-19 had on a target group of your choice? Taking the youth as my target group, they are a group of people […]
Bli en del av JLOF! Insamlingsstiftelsen JLOF (Jeremiah Lucas Opira Foundation) söker praktikanter till kansliverksamheten med placering i Stockholm under vårterminen 2023. Som praktikant kommer du att få både praktisk erfarenhet av arbetet vid insamlingsstiftelsen samt större förståelse för hur internationellt utvecklingssamarbete fungerar i ett land som Uganda. JLOF söker två praktikanter som kan bidra […]
Covid-19 and its Effects on Women and Girls Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2020 Author: Rose Rorena Namaalwa Corona Virus disease (Covid 19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered Corona Virus. The virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or […]