Ageno-Rwot Esther Apio: Climate change in Northern Uganda

Climate Change in Northern Uganda

Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2023

Ageno-Rwot Esther Apio
3rd runner up, Category 1 

Climate is the average weather condition of a place recorded for a long time. In Northern Uganda, we experience tropical climate. It is because it lies in the tropics and has two seasons that are hot and wet. 

First, I want to deal with the most significant reasons for our climate. Climate change affect most parts of Northern Uganda and it has only two factors which are altitude and temperature. Altitude is the height above sea level. Temperature is the degree of coldness and hotness of an area.  

"Climate change affect most parts of Northern Uganda and it has only two factors which are altitude and temperature."

Secondly, climate change also affects the lives of plants, animals and people. To plants, hot climate causes plant extinction. To animals, hot climate causes death of animals due to drought. It sometimes causes flooding which also affects the lives of the animals. To people, it affects human activities, for example crop growing. Some changes destroy people’s crops. Some also cause displacement. 

Besides, I would also like to talk about some other natural changes in Northern Uganda, namely the landslides, which is mostly experienced in mountainous areas of Northern Uganda. Landslide is a very dangerous disaster in an area and causes death to people and animals.  

"Climate change also affects the lives of plants, animals and people."

In conclusion, even though the changes cause struggles and are demanding, improvement of Northern Uganda’s climate is possible. Everyone who knows this should work tirelessly to improve the climate of Northern Uganda. For example, I avoid bad human activities that impact the climate negatively. 

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Box 398, Kitgum, Uganda