Adokcen Lina Mable: Teenage pregnancy

Teenage Pregnancy

Essay from Jeremiah Lucas Opira Memorial Contest 2023

Adokcen Lina Mable
2nd runner up, Category 1 

Teenage pregnancy is the pregnancy in young women and girls below eighteen years of age. A teenager is between thirteen and nineteen years old. Teenage pregnancy has affected the lives of teenagers in our country, Uganda.

"Teenage pregnancy has affected the lives of teenagers in our country, Uganda."

Firstly, I want to talk about the causes of teenage pregnancy. These causes are why there are a high rate of teenage pregnancy these include:

  • Early marriages
  • Sexual abuse, for example rape
  • Pornography materials
  • Peer group influence
  • Drug abuse 

Secondly, the effects of teenage pregnancy are the ones that have affected the life of many people in our country. These are:  

  • School dropout. A teenage pregnancy makes it difficult for a teenage girl to go to school.
  • Health risks for the mother and the baby. The mother or the baby may lead to loss of their lives and obstructed labor. 
"A teenage pregnancy makes it difficult for a teenage girl to go to school."

Thirdly, I want to talk about prevention and how to reduce teenage pregnancies. Methods of prevention could be:  

  • Laws enforced by the government which would reduce the number of teenage pregnancies.
  • Sexual education by parents, teachers, media and community.

Lastly, I want to
advise my fellow teenagers on how to stop teenage pregnancy. Firstly, abstinence from sex. This will help them not to be involved in sexual relationships. Secondly, I want to say that children should not walk alone at night. This could, unfortunately, lead to unwanted pregnancies.

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Stockholm, Sweden


Box 398, Kitgum, Uganda