Learning by sharing experiences
On Friday October 7th, JLOFU School Exchange Visit Program took place. Selected teachers, pupils, School Management Committé (SMC) and Parent Teacher Association (PTA) members of Archbishop Loum primary school, accompanied by JLOFU staffs and a Board member, travelled to Barapwo Primary school in Lira City. The purpose of the visit was to allow the schools to share experiences, achievements as well as challenges and how to deal with them.
This program aims at improving the quality of learning at Archbishop Loum Primary school by learning from other schools, as this will help them understand the dynamics behind the success in other schools.
The team from Barapwo, the host, comprised of the Head teacher and his deputy, teachers, SMC and PTA members. Barapwo is a Government school with an enrollment of 2283 learners and 25 government teachers. 5 additional teachers were recruited by the school using PTA collections which brings the total to 31 teachers.
The visit kicked off with a tour of the school led by Mr. Omol Boniface, head teacher of Barapwo Primary school, where he moved with the participants and showed them various offices, departments, classes as well as the nursery section.
After the tour we had multiple presentations from the administration and management of Barapwo on good practices for improved academic performance and co-curricular performance in the school. The roles and responsibilities of PTA and SMC towards developing the school and steering the school to the right direction were also discussed and the participants took note.
The participants were also handed the opportunity to observe lessons in classes. Each teacher observed how lessons are being conducted in the classes they teach, meanwhile the pupils attended a full lesson session in their respective classes together with the learners of Barapwo.
We also had a plenary sessions where representatives from both schools discussed a number of issues regarding improved performance, administration and development of the schools. The matters discussed among others includes, resource mobilization and staff motivation, lesson preparation, planning and conduction, strategic improvement, budget and work plan.
The exchange visit left the participants thrilled and satisfied with the knowledge and experiences acquired from Barapwo. We hope this will create a lasting impact on how the school and community view education.
Many thanks to Barapwo Primary School for the hospitality and sharing knowledge with us, we look forward to maintaining the relationship and continue learning from one another!