Leave no one behind

Leave no one behind - Special needs and targeted support

When you think of a typical school, do you envisage any children with disabilities? Are the school facilities accessible to all students and the learning materials adapted to everyone’s needs? Is the teacher trained on how to use them to teach?

Students with different disabilities cannot take advantage of teaching in ordinary school. One area where the between disability and poverty could be broken is through improving inclusion in schools. The Sustainable Development Goals recognizes the crucial role of inclusive and equitable quality education in building a better, more equal world.

JLOF has since 2015 been involved in the project for increasing access to quality education for all the children in Pajong village. In the course of the project, we have come across pupils with disabilities who struggled to attend the mainstream school without any facilitation or adaptation to their special needs. Year after year they would repeat classes in an impossible attempt to catch up.

With support through JLOF, 2 children has been supported to attend a boarding school that is adapted to special needs.

The boarding fee amounts to 1.500 SEK (150$) per term. There are three terms per year.

JLOF works to improve opportunities for disadvantaged, vulnerable communities.


Stockholm, Sweden


Box 398, Kitgum, Uganda